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Materials and Resources from MEL and PIIRS trainings

Looking for ideas for agendas, content and materials for a training on MEL and PIIRS? Here we have examples that can help you!

English Examples

MENA MEAL workshop (July 2019)

* Resources available here

Southern Africa MEAL Training (May 2018)

  • Objectives of the training:
    • Understand our regional impact data, and agreed plans to fill gaps and address issues of double-counting
    • Have completed PIIRS FY18 impact forms for their CO
    • Know about the VSLA MIS and its connection to PIIRS
    • Have helped develop a data visualization, and understood how these can be used to identify priorities for future actions
    • Have reviewed draft tools to support our management/oversight of evaluations
    • Have a plan to start addressing the main MEAL capacity gaps in their CO
  • Resources available here

Southern Africa Metrics and PIIRS Training (May 2017)

  • Objectives of the training:
    • Understand how to use the data in the PIIRS system to advance program and advocacy goals, at the country and regional level
    • Be able to collect, record and analyze high-quality data for PIIRS and other M&E systems
    • Use and understand the key indicators for Southern Africa as it relates to PIIRS and program goals
    • Know how to access support from CI around MEL and PIIRS

East Africa Metrics and PIIRS Training (August 2017)

  • Resources available here

Latin America Metrics training (September 2017)

  • Resources available here.

Training events from Graduate students supporting 8 CARE Country offices for FY17 PIIRS data collection process

  • Objectives of the training:
    • Engage in training to gain a deeper understanding of CARE’s global indicators and how project-level information is collected.
    • Engage in analysis of country office prior year data to gain a better understanding of current capacity and needs during the field visit.
    • Collaborate with country office(s) to inform staff about the types of data to collect as well as support collection and analysis of their data.
    • Engage the Multiplying Impact team and additional CARE staff in reflections and discussion about field experience.
    • Provide recommendations on how to best support to country offices in the future.
  • Agenda and materials:
    • Videos of training sessions from students can be found here

Global Indicator Data Collection

This presentation provides an overview of how to map global indicators against country office program theories of change, map the use of indicators by projects, analyze which indicators are commonly used in a CO or region, and strategies for mapping projects that should report for PIIRS FY 17.

PIIRS History and FY17 Form Overview

This video provides a historical overview of the PIIRS system, the data collection timeline, and details on how to complete the FY 17 forms.

Humanitarian Assistance Global Indicators

This video details the humanitarian assistance global indicators as well as a description of SYMPHA-the system for monitoring performance of humanitarian action.

Food and Nutrition Security Global and Supplementary Indicators

This video describes the global indicators for food and nutrition security and resilience to climate change, how they were developed, the supplementary indicators for FNS, and areas to be aware of when collecting and reporting data.

Women's Economic Empowerment Global and Supplementary Indicators

This presentation describes the theory of change for women's economic empowerment, the global indicators for Women's Economic Empowerment and how to measure them. In addition, the supplementary indicators and guidance are also described.

Spanish Examples

Taller Equipo de liderazgo de programas LAC (Junio 2017)

  • Objetivos de capacitación:
    • Profundizar sobre nuestros avances, retos y desafíos en la agenda de medición de impacto de la estrategia de CARE en LAC,tanto a nivel regional como por cada país
    • Definir próximos pasos y compromisos en la agenda de medición de impacto de LAC para el AF18, en línea con la definiciones de CARE Internacional y PIIRS
  • Agenda y materiales



Honduras Taller sobre Indicadores de Impacto Global (**Tegucigalpa, Septiembre 2017)

  • Objetivos:
    • Entender cómo utilizar los datos para avanzar en sus propios objetivos de programa, a nivel nacional y regional
    • Ser capaz de recopilar, registrar y analizar datos de alta calidad para y otros sistemas de M & E
    • Utilizar y comprender los indicadores clave para los proyectos de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición, así como ver metodologías apropiadas
    • Saber cómo acceder al apoyo de CI en torno a Monitoreo, Evaluación y Aprendizaje (MEL)
    • Cómo presentar datos efectivamente
  • Agenda y materiales, aqui

French Examples

La Formation PIIRS/ MEL (Octobre 2017)

  • Objectif
    • Après cette formation, nous espérons que vous aurez les conseils et/ou la guidance nécessaires pour améliorer la gestion des connaissances et la collecte/ gestion des données à vos niveaux.
  • Agenda et documents informatis ici

training_resources.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/05 15:11 by admin