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INDICATOR 3: # of policies, norms and practices changes for more gender inclusive and sustainable economies
Why this indicator? What will it measure and provide information for?
CARE’s vision of a just world emphasizes the promotion of good governance in each of its programming sectors. This is done by empowering poor people to know and act on their rights and present their interests, influencing those in power (public servants and politicians, traditional/faith leaders, and private sector actors) to be more responsible, responsive and accountable, and brokering linkages and convening spaces which enable effective and inclusive relations and negotiations between project participants and power holders.
What Sustainable Development Goal is the indicator connected to?
* SDG Goal 1
* SDG Goal 8
Definitions and key terms
Inclusive Economies: Economies that enable effective and meaningful participation of women, men, youth, communities in private sector and public policies design, implementation, monitoring and review
Sustainable Economies: economies that create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs that stimulate the economy while not harming the environment.1
Practices: effective application and use of adopted policies (as sometimes rules are set, but not effectively or appropriately applied)
Data and information required to calculate the indicator
* count of changes in policies;
* log of norms and practices that have changed for more inclusive and sustainable economies
Suggested method for data collection
* Log / database for policy changes
* Qualitative data collection (survey interviews) on changes in norms and practices
Possible data sources
* Annual CARE survey or survey by CARE partners on norms and behavior
* Policy review by CARE or partners
Resources needed for data collection
The quantitative and qualitative data collection, storage and analysis should be conducted by CARE and partners. Partners may include research / university partners. Data collection needs to be included in the monitoring and evaluation plan and budgeted for.
Reporting results for this indicator: number of people for which the change happened
* Reporting Purpose: þBaseline þProgress þ Evaluation
* Number policies, norms and practices changed/adopted that ensure more inclusive and sustainable economies
* Number of male and female who effectively benefit from changed/adopted policies and practices
Questions for guiding the analysis and interpretation of data (explaining the how and why the change happened, and how CARE contributed to the change)
* What changes have happened in policies, norms and practices that support a stronger economic power of women in their communities?
* What changes have happened in men's attitudes towards women's economic participation and economic / financial decision making?

Social norms are, in certain contexts, deeply rooted in centuries of communities’ history and bringing change to these societal constructions may require long, hard and continuous long term effort. Thus, where appropriate proxy indicators should be used for documenting project impacts. ||

se_indicator_3.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/11 21:04 (external edit)