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INDICATOR 1: Percentage of agricultural area under sustainable agricultural and natural resource management practices1
Why this indicator? What will it measure and provide information for?
This indicator measures the portion of land under use on which at least one sustainable agricultural and natural resource technology and/ or management practice is applied. This is measured against the total area under use for productive activities for commercial or consumption purpose (agriculture, livestock/grazing areas, fisheries/aquaculture, and forestry).2
SDG goal 2, target 2.4 aims to ensure sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, maintain and enhance ecosystems and strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, and environmental degradation. CARE recognizes community building and resilience in the face of extreme weather, drought, floods and other disasters, as well as progressively improving soil and soil quality.
The main groups of sustainable agricultural practices include:
1.1. Improved land and water management practices
1.2. Improved soil fertility and crop and livestock management practices
1.4. Other climate resilient, environment friendly agricultural practices (Fuel Efficient Energy, Improved fisheries and aquaculture management; climate information)
NB: As much as possible, this indicator should be applied to a local or regional scale (micro to medium scale), as national averages can mask significant variations.
What Sustainable Development Goal is the indicator connected to?
* SDG Goal 2.4.1 green list Nov 2015
* SDG Goal 6
* SDG Goal 7
* SDG Goal 13
* SDG Goal 14
* SDG Goal 15
Definitions and key terms
Total area of land under agricultural use
Total area of land under sustainable agricultural and natural resource management practices
Data and information required to calculate the indicator
* Numerator: total area of land under productive activities (per administrative unit: ward, district, country, region, etc.)
* Denominator: total area of (the above) which is under sustainable agricultural and natural resource management practices and technology adoption
Suggested method for data collection
* Primary data collection: household data survey + routine monitoring
* Secondary data collection: Datasets and GIS information from technical partners such as FAO, ICRAF, CIAT and national meteorological offices/services
* Qualitative methods (FGDs and KIIs): Data obtained from these sources can supplement quantitative data collection to better understand climate change adaptation, climate smart agriculture and other CARE resilience initiatives, and affected people’s perception of wellbeing in the face of climate change and variability.
Possible data sources
* Data from different administrative levels land use/occupation information systems: local, national, and regional
* Primary data collection: project household surveys
* Secondary data
Resources needed for data collection
The quantitative and qualitative data collection, storage and analysis can be conducted by CARE and partners. Partners may include research organizations as well as university partners in the CG system and in government. Data collection needs to be included in the monitoring and evaluation plan and budgeted for.
Reporting results for this indicator: number of people for which the change happened
* Reporting Purpose: þBaseline þProgress þ Evaluation
* A change in the percentage of productive land area under sustainable agricultural and natural resource management practices
* The number of households practicing sustainable agriculture and/or natural resource management practices
Questions for guiding the analysis and interpretation of data (explaining the how and why the change happened, and how CARE contributed to the change)
This indicator provides a measure of changes in the scale of application of sustainable agricultural and natural resource management practices and adoption of new technologies because of project support (in different geographical/administrative areas) and contributes to documenting the success or failure of the actions taken to promote sustainable productive systems and natural resource bases and ecosystems services

* This indicator should be applied at several levels: institutional, community and people’s scales to allow a comprehensive analysis of the scope of observed changes in sustainable agricultural and natural resources management practices

  • CARE objects to any carbon sequestration burden being placed on vulnerable small scale food producers but where affordable and practicable it is possible to measure mitigation in farm landscapes (adaptation with mitigation outcomes). Agricultural sources (including energy, soils, livestock etc.) emit methane, nitrous oxide and/or carbon dioxide. Changes in land use, particularly conversion of high carbon land uses (‘sinks’) such as forests and peatland for agriculture is particularly damaging. The use of this indicator allows us to demonstrate positive action towards mitigation by returning or fixing carbon or nitrogen in the landscape. A simple metric for measuring mitigation is tracking fuel wood consumption. ||

1We will need to list all practices that fall under these categories as a guide for users of this indicator

2 After assessing agricultural context vulnerabilities and climate change impacts (CVCA and/or other), the next step is to identify and evaluate both ongoing and promising agricultural practices in the key production systems that have shown potential in delivering SuPER outcomes. This can be done through literature reviews and interviews with key stakeholders but analysis should apply a SuPER lens to existing initiatives, and highlight opportunities. Practices/services/activities can then be designed in relation to SuPER principles. Seven primary practice options are listed by FAO here. In this indicator, sub-components for sustainable practices should contribute to ‘climate-resilience’ (e.g. food, income, water, soil, risk, carbon, nitrogen, energy). This is a critical aspect of situation analysis, as it grounds the concept of sustainable practice and SuPER in specific actions.

sas_indicator_1.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/11 21:04 (external edit)