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Instructions for Organizing and Managing the Data Collection and Reporting Process

Every year, the annual data collection and reporting process – facilitated by the Project and Program Information and Impact Reporting System (PIIRS) - is central to guarantee our ability to communicate the reach of CARE's work around the world in a given Fiscal Year (FY), as well as to continue demonstrating CARE's contribution to lasting change and progress toward our impact and outcome targets in the CARE 2020 Program Strategy. This annual data collection and reporting process involves many parts of the organization and is a key piece of CARE's organizational accountability to a variety of stakeholders: partners, participants, donors, our own internal teams and offices, etc.

What Is the Timeline and Deadlines to Meet?

All forms have to be submitted by the 30th of September, 2020. Note that there is a different timeline for validation of the COUNTRY and REACH vs. IMPACT/OUTCOMES. Want to see if your country submitted data on time last year? See here

What Data Do I Have to Report?

There are three types of data to report, and their related forms:

* Forms in Online PIIRS

* Applies to all countries where CARE had presence in FY20.

* ONE form needs to be filled for each type of office in the country.

* Reporting period: July 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2020.

* Includes data on:

Criteria to report STAFF data:
- If you are a CARE Country office: please report all staff that fully worked in your country during the FY. International staff exclusively working in your country (e.g. Country directors, Deputy Directors, technical advisors to your specific CO, etc.) should be reported by your CO, under the international staff category.
- If you are a CARE Regional office or a CARE member sub-office: you may not need to report staff figures as the CARE member leading your regional office or sub-office may be reporting this already. Please confirm that with the CARE member leading your office.
- If you are a CARE Member, Candidate or Affiliate office: please include the following in your reporting:
• Staff working in the country where the CARE Member, Candidate or Affiliate is based.
• Staff working outside of the country of the CARE Member, Candidate or Affiliate, under regional roles, sub-office roles, or assignments that involve supporting more than one country office (e.g. Regional directors, regional advisors, etc.).
• Staff working outside of the country of the CARE Member, Candidate or Affiliate, supporting other CI members.
Please DO NOT include staff fully working for one particular Country Office (e.g. Country directors, Deputy Directors, technical advisors to one specific CO, etc.), as they must certainly will be reported by the COs themselves.

* Forms in Online PIIRS

* Applies to all on-going projects and initiatives (advocacy or influencing) that were active in your country during FY20.

* Reporting period: July 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2020.

* Includes data that answers to the following big questions:

* Data to be reported in Excel forms here: FY20 Impact/Outcome forms

* Applies only to those projects/initiatives that -at any point between FY15 and FY20 - have documented impact/outcomes data, either via external evaluations (e.g. baseline/end line studies) or via solid internal monitoring mechanisms (e.g. post-distribution monitoring, outcome monitoring, etc).

* Reporting period: FY15 to date (the time frame of the 2020 Program Strategy).

* Includes data that answers to the following big questions:

If You Have Questions and Need Support

Instructions, guidance, forms, video tutorials:
Recordings of the PIIRS FY20 Introductory sessions describing the FY20 process.
Skype helpdesk
Send a SKYPE message anytime. Members of the CI MEL group will process the questions and respond as soon as possible.
Send an email to PIIRS anytime. Members of the CI MEL group will process the questions and respond every Wednesday (if not earlier).
PIIRS FY20 Frequently Asked Questions - English

What Steps Do I Follow to Organize the Reporting in My Country?

Each CARE country has a PIIRS focal point. This person acts as main convener/organizer of the PIIRS process in the country and manages communications with other parts of CARE during data collection, validation or analysis.

The steps described below are destined to help PIIRS focal points and project/initiative teams to organize the PIIRS FY20 process, depending on the type of office in which you are located:

For CARE Country Offices

For CARE Members, Candidates and Affiliates

For Global Outcome/Approach/Technical teams

For CARE Country Offices

Country Offices have the main role of leading/organizing the reflection, collection, submission and validation of quality data for all those projects/initiatives that were active during FY20.

STEP 1: Make sure there is a PIIRS contact person/focal point in your country and connect: The PIIRS focal points have the main role organizing the PIIRS process in the country, creating user accounts for filling forms in the online platform, receiving/responding communications from other parts of CARE during data collection, validation or analysis.

STEP 2: Follow the individual steps recommended for each type of data:
1. Identify who has to be involved in reporting COUNTRY data and make sure they have a user account in Online PIIRS. The PIIRS focal point in your country can create accounts following this steps:

Creating user accounts - tutorial - English
Creating user accounts - tutorial - Spanish
Creating user accounts - tutorial - French

Given the type of data reported in this form, you will most likely need input from: Country level HR and Program Support staff.

2. Take the time to familiarize with the PIIRS ONLINE platform: how to access it and find the forms

1-2-3 steps to access online PIIRS (in English, French and Spanish)

3. Go over this video tutorial for filling the COUNTRY form:
COUNTRY Tutorial - English
COUNTRY Tutorial - Spanish
COUNTRY Tutorial - French

plus all additional guidance that helps you answer the questions in the form. This includes:
Gender pay gap guidance
Guidance for reporting on Carbon Foot Print and Climate Smart Practices
Questions of the COUNTRY form - English (just for reference)
Questions of the COUNTRY form - English (just for reference)
Questions of the COUNTRY form - French (just for reference)
Questions of the COUNTRY form - Spanish (just for reference)

4. Write an email to confirming that the reporting of COUNTRY data for your country has been completed.
1. Make a list of all the projects and initiatives that were active during FY20 and should report on the REACH form. This can be done starting with a list of FY20 active projects in your financial system.

2. Go back to the REACH data from FY19 and identify aspects of the data that require attention while reporting for FY20.

3. Identify who has to be involved in reporting REACH data and make sure they have a user account in Online PIIRS. The PIIRS focal point in your country can create accounts following this steps:

Creating user accounts - tutorial - English
Creating user accounts - tutorial - Spanish
Creating user accounts - tutorial - French

Given the type of data reported in this form, you will most likely need input from:

–> Project or Initiative Manager, Technical/Advocacy Expert, Finance Expert, MEL Specialist: a) obtains data from documents/activity records/MEL and financial systems); b) enters data in the forms; and c) checks for consistency of data.

–> PIIRS focal point and Program Director a) provides technical support to project/initiative managers when filling the format; b) consolidates data from all projects/initiatives; c) checks for consistency of the data; d) identifies missing information; and e) checks for double counting (when multiple projects work with similar populations) and coordinates adjustments; f) endorses and submits the information to PIIRS; g) facilitates the analysis and promotes the use of the information.

–> CARE Member/Lead Member & Global Outcome/Approach/Technical teams: a) troubleshoots questions or difficulties that may arise while projects are filling the form (e.g. reflecting on the markers, analyzing the figures.), b) reviews the data from their projects with project team and adjusts any agreed details before submission to PIIRS.

4. Take the time to familiarize with the PIIRS ONLINE platform: how to access it and find the forms

1-2-3 steps to access online PIIRS (in English, French and Spanish)

5. Go over this video tutorial for filling the REACH form:

REACH Tutorial - English
REACH Tutorial - French
REACH Tutorial - Spanish

and all additional guidance:

a. PIIRS Definitions for Tracking, Counting and Reporting participants REACHED and IMPACTED by CARE projects and initiatives
b. Gender Marker.
c. Gender Marker in advocacy initiatives
d. Governance Marker.
e. Resilience Marker.
f. Questions of the REACH form (just for reference)
Questions of the REACH form - English (just for reference)
Questions of the REACH form - French (just for reference)
Questions of the REACH form - Spanish (just for reference)

5. In collaboration with different colleagues, fill the form with the real REACH of your project or initiative (not deducting and double counting yet), review and validate the data.

6. Double Counting: Contact once all the projects and initiatives have finalized filling forms in your country. Adjusting for double counting is a new step in the process that can only be done when all the projects/initiatives have completed reporting data and all the data can be see in this Summary Report.
Watch this video tutorial for all guidance for this last step:
PIIRS FY20 - REACH double counting Tutorial - ENGLISH
PIIRS FY20 - REACH double counting Tutorial - FRENCH
1. Review the IMPACT/OUTCOMES data from FY15 to FY19 and have a list of the projects that will be filling IMPACT/OUTCOME forms.

2. Identify who will be filling IMPACT/OUTCOME forms and make sure they can access the FY20 impact/outcome forms.

3. Go over this video tutorial for filling the IMPACT/OUTCOMES form:

IMPACT/OUTCOMES Tutorial - English
IMPACT/OUTCOMES Tutorial - Spanish
IMPACT/OUTCOMES Tutorial - French

plus all additional guidance that helps you answer the questions in the form. This includes:

a.PIIRS Definitions for Tracking, Counting and Reporting participants REACHED and IMPACTED by CARE projects and initiatives
b. CARE Global and Supplementary Indicators for Measuring Change
c. CARE’s Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting (AIIR) Tool.
d. How to deal with double counting

4. Given the type of data reported in this form, make sure to involve different colleagues and roles, for example:

–> Project or Initiative Manager, Technical Expert, Finance Expert, Advocacy Expert, Project MEL Specialist: a) obtains data from documents/activity records/MEL and financial systems); b) enters data in the forms; and c) checks for consistency of data

–> PIIRS focal point and Program Director: a) provides technical support when the project team us filling the form; b) consolidates data from all projects/initiatives; c) checks for consistency of the data; d) identifies missing information; and e) checks for double reporting (when multiple projects work with similar populations) and makes adjustments; f) endorses and submits the information to PIIRS; g) facilitates the analysis and promotes the use of the information.

–> CARE Member/Lead Member & Global Outcome/Approach/Technical teams: a) troubleshoots questions or difficulties that may arise while projects are filling the form (e.g. analyzing the impact figures.), b) checks any impact evidence that may have been documented between FY15-19, which may have not have been reported to PIIRS yet c) troubleshoots questions or difficulties that may arise while projects are filling the forms (e.g. extracting data from an evaluation, etc.), d) reviews the data with the project team and helps making adjustments before submission to PIIRS.

5. Write an email to confirming that the reporting of IMPACT/OUTCOMES data for your country has been completed.

For CARE Members and (where applicable) Affiliates and Candidates

STEP 1: Make sure there is a PIIRS contact person for your office and connect: The PIIRS focal points have the main role organizing the PIIRS process in the CARE Member/Affiliate/Candidate office, creating user accounts for filling forms in the online platform, receiving/responding communications from other parts of CARE during data collection, validation or analysis.

STEP 2: Make sure a COUNTRY form is filled for your office + sub-offices: Members/Affiliates/Candidates must report data on the PIIRS COUNTRY form: staff composition, gender pay gap, carbon footprint, etc. (e.g. CARE Australia reports a COUNTRY form for Australia, YPD reports a country form for Indonesia). For this, please follow the same steps described for Country Offices.

STEP 3: Report data on REACH and IMPACT/OUTCOMES for actions that took place in your own country during FY20 (e.g. CARE Peru reports advocacy actions implemented in Peru or CARE Germany reports actions of the work with refugees inside Germany). For this, please follow the same steps described for Country Offices.

STEP 4: DURING THE DATA COLLECTION (August - September), coordinate and collaborate with your Country Offices or with the Projects/Initiatives you are the contract holder for, to ensure good reporting of REACH and IMPACT/OUTCOMES data . This applies to all projects/initiatives that took place outside of your country in FY20 but are managed by your CARE Member/Affiliate/Candidate office (e.g. CARE USA coordinates/supports the reporting of PIIRS data from projects in Ghana, as Contract holder). Here some recommended steps to do that:
1. Have a list of all projects and initiatives that your Member Office is contract holder for and that should be reporting to PIIRS FY20.

2. Contact these projects and make sure they are informed of PIIRS FY20 reporting, the tools and the timeline (full steps and guidance available in the steps for Country Offices)

3. If you are not able to accompany the reporting of all your projects or initiatives, focus on those 10-20 that are most strategic or need more support for reporting, connect with them and agree on the best ways to be involved in the reporting of the data. For example: agreeing with your projects on who fills or who reviews a form; going back to the data reported by projects in the last FY and bringing back recommendations; supporting a dialogue on the markers; or extracting data from monitoring reports; troubleshoot questions during the filling of the form, etc.). Please coordinate this with the PIIRS contact person in the country where your project is located, EARLY IN THE PROCESS. Don't wait till September as there is little space to improve the data if you leave it for then.
4. REACH data will be reported online from now on. Contact if you need access to Online PIIRS as a reviewer of the data being reported by the projects.
1. List all the projects and initiatives that your Member Office is contract holder for and that should be reporting IMPACT/OUTCOMES to PIIRS FY20. This includes projects or initiatives that have gone through an evaluative process (indicators measured in an external evaluation or by a solid internal monitoring mechanism) AND have two measurements of impact/outcomes that can be reported.

2. Contact all those projects and initiatives, and make sure all project teams are informed of PIIRS FY20 reporting, the tools and the timeline (full steps and guidance available at steps described for country offices).

3. Agree with the project or initiative on the collaboration for the reporting. This could include agreeing with your projects on who fills or who reviews a form; going back to the data reported by projects in the last FY and bringing back recommendations; extracting data from evaluation documents from projects/initiatives that ended between FY15-19, which may have not have reported impact or outcomes data in the previous PIIRS cycles; troubleshoot questions during the filling of the form, etc.

For Global Outcome/Approach Teams


1. Have a list of all projects and initiatives that your Global Team supports and that would be reporting to PIIRS FY20.

2. Contact these projects and make sure they are informed of PIIRS FY20 reporting, the tools and the timeline (full steps and guidance available in the steps for Country Offices)

3. If you are not able to accompany the reporting of all these projects or initiatives, focus on those 10-20 that are most strategic or need more support for reporting, connect with them and agree on the best ways to be involved in the reporting of the data. For example: going back to the data reported in the last FYs and bringing back recommendations; supporting a dialogue on the markers; extracting data from monitoring reports or from evaluation documents (specially if they have not reported impact or outcomes data in the previous PIIRS cycles); troubleshoot questions during the filling of the form, etc.

Please coordinate this with the PIIRS contact person in the country where your project is located, EARLY IN THE PROCESS. Don't wait till September as there is little space to improve the data if you leave it for then.

4. REACH forms will be filled online. Contact if you need access to Online PIIRS as a reviewer/validator of the data being reported by the projects/initiatives. For IMPACT forms you will need to agree with the project team on the best way to support the reporting and reviewing of the data.


The PIIRS team will reach out to you for more details on the validation of all the data reported in all countries.
piirs_fy20.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/14 14:39 by admin