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Every year, the annual data collection and reporting process - made through the Project and Program Information and Impact Reporting System (PIIRS) - is central to guarantee our ability to communicate the reach of CARE's work around the world in one Fiscal Year (FY), as well as to continue demonstrating CARE's contribution to lasting change and progress toward our commitments in the CARE 2020 Program Strategy.

This annual data collection and reporting process involves many parts of the organization and is a key piece of CARE's organizational accountability to a variety of stakeholders: partners, participants, donors, our own internal teams and offices, etc.


Please watch this 5 min. video for a general overview of the process, before reading the detailed instructions below

You can also visit the recordings of the PIIRS FY18 Webinars (in English, Spanish and French), explaining the FY18 process.

The scope of the FY18 PIIRS processThe data collection and reporting process for FY18 covers the period from July 1st, 2017 to June 30th, 2018 and includes three types of data/forms to report on:

1. Data on COUNTRY PRESENCE & STAFF: Applies to ALL COUNTRIES where CARE had any type of presence in the FY. Data reported in this form allows for the identification of countries where CARE worked in the FY, the type of presence, key contact information and the number and composition of CARE staff (female, male, national, international, senior, other staff).

2. Data on REACH of projects and initiatives::Applies to ALL ON-GOING PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES (INCLUDING ADVOCACY AND INFLUENCING WORK) IN YOUR COUNTRY DURING FY18. Data provided in the REACH form allows for the construction of a global overview on the breadth of CARE's work in the FY, answering the following types of questions:
* In which countries/regions did we implement projects/initiatives during the FY?
* How many projects/initiatives did we implement during the FY?
* What themes/sectors did projects/initiatives cover/focused on?
* How many participants did projects/initiatives reached directly and indirectly?
* To what extent did projects/initiatives incorporate the CARE approach in their work in the FY? gender equality, inclusive governance, resilience
* To what extent did projects/initiatives incorporate other key strategy elements? partnerships; innovations; advocacy or scale up of successful solutions, etc.

Note that:
* Data on IMPACT/OUTCOMES may come from various forms of evaluative processes: baseline studies, evaluations (mid-term, final), any solid systematic review (annual report, annual MIS survey).
* In order to show progress on outcome indicators, it is required that the project/initiative reports data on two comparable measurements (e.g. data from baseline vs data from final evaluation; outcome data in year 1 vs outcome data in year 2, etc).
The data provided in the IMPACT/OUTCOMES form allows for the construction of our global impact story, answering questions like:
* What changes (impacts/effects) do we contribute to via our projects/initiatives (including advocacy/influencing work)? What evidence do we have to show those changes?
* Are we making progress toward our 2020 goals?
* What are some of the most successful strategies that drive that change and allow us to progress toward our organizational goals? Which strategies would we like to deepen? What are we learning about CARE’s contribution to change?
Important reminder: The REACH data can only be reported once a Fiscal Year has finalized because it captures information on our work during the entire FY. However, IMPACT/OUTCOMES data can be submitted to any time during a FY, as soon as a project/initiative has measured impact/outcomes. This in order to make it easier for colleagues to report and validate the data without having to wait until the end of the FY.
The timeline of the FY18 PIIRS process* Mid-July to Mid-September 2018: CARE teams in all countries collect COUNTRY PRESENCE & STAFF, REACH and IMPACT/OUTCOMES data, as applicable, and submit their forms by Friday, 14 September 2018. See below for more details on the forms.
* Mid-September to Mid-November: Quality control of data; feedback from PIIRS team to CARE offices; adjustments to data where required: final consolidation of FY18 global data base.
* End-November onward: Reporting and use of data - global figures and summary reports produced for regions, countries, outcome areas, CARE members, etc. All data made available to all CARE staff, for multiple purposes.
Roles and collaborations during the reporting of data from projects and initiatives (REACH, IMPACT & OUTCOMES)The roles and collaborations during the reporting process can take different forms. However, here are three key roles to consider:

* Countries where CARE had on-going projects or initiatives during FY18 have the main role of leading/organizing the reflection, collection, submission of the quality data for all those projects/initiatives implemented in the FY and following the 5 steps outlined below.

* CARE Member Partner offices or Lead Member offices have the role of collaborating with those CARE Offices they lead, or with those Country Offices/Affiliates with which they have on-going projects, in order to support data collection and jointly ensure quality of data.
The collaboration could include: 1) Going back to the data reported by projects in the last FY and bringing back recommendations / reminders of areas for projects/initiatives to pay attention to, 2) check for projects/initiatives that ended between FY15-17, which may have not reported impact or outcomes data in the last PIIRS cycles, and support COs to submit new forms for these, 3) Offer training or organize moments to troubleshoot questions or difficulties that may arise while COs are filling the forms (e.g. reflecting on the markers, analysing the figures, extracting data from an evaluation, etc.).

* The CI MEL group has the role of providing guidance or technical assistance to CARE offices, during the process. This year, the CI MEL group will offer OFFICE HOURS every Wednesday, in order to process and answer questions. From July 16to September 14, you can send your questions anytime during the week, to and you will be connected with a member of the CI MEL group that can best support you. You can also write a SKYPE message to the PIIRS help desk group in this address:
Steps recommended for collecting, validating and submitting data in the REACH and IMPACT/OUTCOME formsSTEP 1: Review all your FY17 data, reflect on what needs improvement for reporting FY18 data, and who needs to be involved
a) Go back to the REACH and IMPACT data from fy17 and reflect on the timeliness of your data submission and what the data showed for your Project/Country/Region/CMP:Was the data submitted on time?was the data accurate enough? Did it fully reflect the work my project/initiative does? Should the data improve for FY18? In which ways?). Identify which parts of the data require particular attention while reporting for FY18.
b) Define who needs to be involved and make it a collaborative learning exercise. The PIIRS process is a great opportunity for learning about our work, managing quality data collectively and generating summarized evidence of our contributions to fighting poverty and inequality. It is therefore recommended that the following staff are highly involved in the process:
* Project or Initiative Manager, Technical Expert, Finance Expert, Project MEL Specialist: a) obtains data from projects or initiatives he/she manages or supports (from documents/activity records/MEL and financial systems); b) enters data in the forms; and c) checks for consistency of data (e.g. the “summary” sections on each of the forms give you an overview of consistency in the data reported in the form)
* Country MEL Specialist, Program Director or Assistant Country Director: a) provides technical support to project/initiative managers when filling the format; b) consolidates data from all projects/initiatives; c) checks for consistency of the data; d) identifies missing information; and e) checks for double counting (when multiple projects work with similar populations) and makes adjustments; f) endorses and submits the information to PIIRS; g) facilitates the analysis and promotes the use of the information.

STEP 2 - For reporting REACH: Map the projects and initiatives that will report on the REACH form, and identify/treat double counting from the beginning
a) List all the projects that will report data on the FY18 REACH form. The REACH data summaries from FY17 may help you start this list, based on what you reported last year. Additionally, it is recommended to check with your finance/contracts system, which projects/initiatives were active during FY18. The idea here is to make sure you will be reporting ALL of your work in the FY.
b) Look at overlap between projects and treat double counting from the very beginning: You may have projects/initiatives working with the same population and in the same location, therefore, generating potential double counting at the time of reporting reach figures. For instance, there is risk of double counting if multiple emergency response actions are supporting one same affected population in one location or if all funds that compose a program are all working with the same population. If that is your case, you can now find more guidance on how to deal with double counting” and see examples of how different COs have managed this.

STEP 3 - For reporting IMPACT/OUTCOMES: Identify the projects and initiatives that, through an evaluative process, a solid MIS or the documentation of an advocacy/influencing process, may have generated evidence of impact/outcomes that can be reported to PIIRS
a) Look at the list of FY18 projects/initiatives you generated from Step 2 above and, from that list, identify the projects/initiatives that may have compiled evidence of impact/outcomes during the FY (two comparable measurements) and would be ready to report.
b) Review the list (document here below) of all those projects that ended at some point between FY15 to FY17 in your country, which have not reported data in PIIRS, and may have evidence of impact that could be reported to PIIRS.


Remember, an IMPACT/OUTCOMES has to be filled by:
* All projects that have measured and compiled data related to the Global and Supplementary Indicators for Measuring Change**, but also all Initiatives (including advocacy/influencing actions) that have achieved a significant win (even if not the final advocacy/influencing objective), and have documented sufficient evidence that supports CARE’s role in that win.
* All projects/initiatives have gone through an evaluative process and have documented impact/outcomes data for two comparable measurements (eg. baseline and next measurement). Note that an evaluative process refers to baseline studies, evaluations (mid-term, final) but also to any solid systematic review (annual report, annual MIS survey) that shows progress on outcome indicators.
* Any project/initiative that may have already reported IMPACT/OUTCOMES data in previous FYs but, either has new data available to report, or wants to adjust data that was reported in previous FYs.
c) Look at overlap between projects and treat double counting from the very beginning: You may have impact/outcomes data that is the combined contribution from multiple projects/initiatives working with the same population and in the same location. If this is the case, and in order to avoid double reporting, you can now find more guidance on “how to deal with double counting” and see examples of how different COs have managed this.

STEP 4: Take the time to familiarize your team with all the data and tools related to the FY18 PIIRS process, before filling the forms: Do some preparation training with your team and/or participate in the training sessions that will be organized by the CI MEL group (invites sent in the calendar). The process is much successful when everyone is familiarized with the data, tools and resources that are critical for the data collection process. This includes:
* The FY17 data
* CARE's Global and Supplementary Indicators for measuring change
* CARE's Gender marker and FY15-FY17 Gender Marker Power BI visualization (instructions on how to navigate the Power BI visualization are available here)
* CARE's Inclusive Governance marker and FY15-FY17 Governance Marker Power BI visualization
* CARE's Resilience marker
* CARE’s Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting (AIIR) Tool
* If you work with VSLAS: The historical data on VSLA work, by country

STEP 5: Fill the forms and reach out if you have questions or need specific support during the process
Inevitably, every year the PIIRS forms are adjusted, based on the feedback that CARE teams around the world provide, or looking at emerging needs of information in the organization. As a result. Please follow the links to find FY18 forms, with supporting materials and notes on what is new this year.

FY18 Forms

If you have questions: the CI MEL group will offer OFFICE HOURS every Wednesday, in order to process and answer questions. From July 16th to September 14th, you can send your questions anytime during the week, to and you will be connected with a member of the CI MEL group that can best support you. You can also write a SKYPE message to the PIIRS help desk group in this address:
Steps recommended for collecting, validating and submitting data in the COUNTRY CONTACT & STAFF formReporting Country contact and staff information is quite straight forward and the form has no addition/changes this year. The only recommendations is to please review the FY15-FY17 Staff figures reported for your country and, based on that, go to the FY18 form and report the data following the instructions. Please make sure the data reported always comes from your human resources records.
If you have questions: please contact


piirs_fy18.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/11 13:06 by