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This site is not updated since January 2022. Go to CARE Shares for more recent content

The CARE International MEL Community of Practice

The CI MEL Community of Practice is created as a space where MEL specialists and MEL enthusiasts from all CARE offices can:

  1. Regularly be informed on progress around the global MEL agenda
  2. Engage in sessions and activities focused on: sharing practices/tools/innovations, collectively addressing MEL challenges, training, technical assistance, etc. All with the ultimate goal of strengthening MEL capacities across CARE.

It is a semi-formal platform, facilitated by the CI MEL group, and its success is highly dependent on the extent to which its members are actively engaged, and able to share their experience and perspectives.

How to join the MEAL Community of Practice?

The engagement in the Community of Practice is open to colleagues in all CARE teams around the world (Project, Country, Region, Member or Affiliate, etc.).

The agenda of the Community of Practice will be highly linked with the priorities that shape the CI MEL agenda. However, members are free to adjust its content or evolve to a wider range of working groups (e.g. in other languages) or other forms of interaction.

Terms of Reference in different languages

Members of the MEAL Community - MEAL Capacity Mapping

Members of the Community of Practice are the core of CARE’s global capacity for monitoring programmatic actions, measuring impact and capturing and sharing leaning from our programming. Therefore, it is of great value to know how our MEL expertise is consolidated around the world, and the capacity building needs in different aspects of MEL.

To know more about MEL colleagues around the world and their MEL expertise, go here:

MEL capacity mapping in ENGLISH (wiki)

MEL capacity mapping in SPANISH

Learning Sessions

Monthly Learning Sessions

The CI MEL Community of Practice organizes monthly 1-2 hour sessions (in English or other languages) via teleconference and they normally follow this format:

  1. Brief update on CARE’s MEL agenda
  2. Focused dialogue: presentation, training, panel or other, on a topic of interest
  3. Open Discussion: open (but moderated) dialogue, where members are free to share their expertise, documents, resources, etc.

2021 Session 56 - December 13 - Humanitarian Update

2021 Session 55 - November 29 - PIIRS FY21 Data

1. Feedback to the FY21 process
2. What data is available now, how you can use it and what will come next
3. Plans to use/share/analyze the data


2021 Session 54 - October 27 - Cost efficiency analysis using Dioptra & Data quality guidance

1. Quick updates
2. Cost efficiency analysis: The experience of CARE Jordan analyzing cost efficiency in Conditional Cash programming, for Education and Protection
3. Data quality guidance: Recent guidance on data quality standards and tools that can help you assess/ensure data quality throughout the project life cycle

2021 Session 53 - September 27 - Introduction to CARE's 2030 Global Indicators for Measuring Change

Agenda: An overview of the 30 global indicators to measure change towards Vision 2030 and getting to know the MEAL leads behind the indicators.

2021 Session 52 - September 9 - Outcome Mapping in Nepal and Data literacy Scholarship Initiative

Agenda: Outcome Mapping: Sharing experience and lessons from Nepal Data Literacy Scholarship Initiative: Sharing experience and project outcomes from the scholars

2021 Session(s) 51 - August 12 and 13 - Welcome to PIIRS FY21

Agenda: Introductory sessions to PIIRS FY21 data reporting. All information available here

RecordingsSession 1 - English (August 12)
Session 2 - English (August 12)
Session 3 - Français (August 13)
Session 4 - Español (August 13)

2021 Session 50 - July 28 - CARE-Emory Summer Series - Sampling for Qualitative Studies

Agenda: Session by Dr. Karen Andes

Recordingcoming soon

2021 Session 49 - July 15 - CARE-Emory Summer Series - How to collect high quality data

Agenda: Session by Dr. Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham

2021 Session 48 - June 30 - CARE-Emory Summer Series - Sampling for Quantitative Studies

Agenda: Emory’s Dr. Matt Freeman on Sampling for Quantitative Design and Methods

PPT slidesfreeman_-_sampling_30june2021.pdf

2021 Session 47 - June 7 - Gender Transformative MEAL / 2030 Indicators / Humanitarian Data Platform

2021 Session 46 - May 6 - PIIRS + Finance data integration: registering projects from the start

.Session 1 Session 2Session in French
PPT slides for both sessionsPPT in English
PPT in French
PPT in Spanish

2021 Session 45 - March 10 - MEAL Standards in PIIRS FY20, MEAL Modules and MEAL Cohort

1. PIIRS data moment: Based on FY20 data, we will look at the extent to which projects/initiatives are addressing the CI MEAL standards and have some dialogue around it
2. MEAL modules: We will look at who can access the modules and how, enrollment on the modules to date, the winners of the “30-Day MEAL Challenge” and share ideas on what happens after we take the modules
3. MEAL cohort: You will be informed on what the MEAL cohort is, purpose, pilot phase, etc.

2021 Session 44 - February 25 - Feedback and Accountability Mechanisms - what's new!

• Explore the New Sharepoint site re FAM guidance
• Get to know the FAM assessment tool (still under construction)
• Discuss the FAM training module,
• Analyse the PIIRS data about FAM (summary coming soon – but check already the PowerBI (esp. slide 4) or DIY version of the FY20 data)
• Exchange re COVID adaptations of FAMs etc.

MaterialsSession 1Session 2

2021 Session 43 - January 28 - Advocacy Tracking Tool and How to navigate/use PIIRS data

Agenda: Deep dive discussion on the Advocacy Tracker Tool and How to Access and Use PIIRS Data.

2020 Session 42 - December 10 - Cost Effectiveness/Efficiency

Agenda: Learning about, a tool to estimate the cost-efficiency of programs, compare to benchmarks, and identify improvements. We will visit recent experiences of application of this methodology in Jordan and Afghanistan.

2020 Session 41 - November 23 - Women Respond and Exploring a Step 6 for Rapid Gender Analysis

- Women Respond: An initiative that unpacks the needs and realities of women in the COVID-19 crisis, and how their voices transform response actions. Most recent findings of this initiative are available in the She told us So report and this is how you/your project/country can participate
- The Evaluation of the Rapid Gender Analysis: This evaluation analyzed the effectiveness and influence of the RGA approach on adapting programming to improve gendered outcomes for crises-affected communities. All findings and recommendations from the evaluation are available in the When Time Won’t Wait report.


2020 Session 40 - October 1 - CARE´s Evaluation Quality Scoring

Agenda: Where we are currently in terms of the quality of CARE evaluations (both internal and external) and what process and criteria can we follow to assess the quality of evaluations.

2020 Session 39 - August 17 - Sampling & Design

Agenda: Emory-CARE MEAL Capacity Strengthening Series

Speaker: Dr. Matthew Freeman, Associate Professor, Environmental Health

Learning Objectives:

• Learn about the basic differences in evaluation designs • Review different sampling strategies • Understand how to improve internal and external validity of findings

2020 Session 38 - July 28 - Conducting evaluations during the time of COVID-19.

Agenda: a dialogue on how to conduct evaluations, given the impact of COVID-19 on our mobility, our resources, and our programs!

All materials shared in the call are available in CARE Shares, here

2020 Session 37 - July 23 - Process evaluation for global health and development programs

Agenda: Emory-CARE MEAL Capacity Strengthening Series

Speaker: Dr. Bethany Caruso, Assistant Professor, Global Health

Learning Objectives:

• Understand what process evaluation is (definition) • Know the types of process evaluation and related goals • Articulate the key components of process evaluation • Learn steps of process evaluation

2020 Session 36 - July 9 - Ethics and evaluation (part 2): Addressing ethical challenges in global health programs

Agenda: Emory-CARE MEAL Capacity Strengthening Series

Speaker: Dr. James Lavery, Conrad N. Hilton Chair in Global Health Ethics

Learning Objectives:

• Define a typology of ethical challenges in global health programs • Explore the disconnect between the nature of ethical challenges in global health programs and the prevailing guidance and ethics review conventions • Know of a novel ethics paradigm for the identification and management of ethical challenges in global health programs • Understand how addressing ethical challenges can improve the effectiveness of global health programs

2020 Session 35 (two sessions in different timezones) - June 29 - Digital FAM during COVID – and BEYOND


Presentation 2020-06-29ci-famcovid-19.pptx
Recording session 1
Recording session 2

2020 Session 34 - June 25 - Ethics and evaluation (part 1): The role of stakeholder engagement, organizational learning, and knowledge co-production in program evaluation

Agenda: Emory-CARE MEAL Capacity Strengthening Series

Speaker: Dr. James Lavery, Conrad N. Hilton Chair in Global Health Ethics

Learning Objectives:

• Appreciate the operational relationship among stakeholder engagement, organizational learning, and knowledge co-production in program evaluation • Explain how ethical goals improve the design and value of program evaluation • Understand how to facilitate the evaluation of ethical goals in program evaluation

2020 Session 33 - June 11 - Qualitative analysis in evaluation practice

Agenda: Emory-CARE MEAL Capacity Strengthening Series

Speaker: Dr. Karen Andes, Associate Professor, Global Health

Learning Objectives:

Identify key tools of qualitative data analysis 2 Explain processes of analysis using various tools 3 Understand how the tools and processes fit together to determine an analysis plan


2020 Session 32 - May 27- WEE Sensemaking

Agenda: Session to discuss and reflect on IMPACT and REACH data in relation to the Women’s Economic Empowerment global outcome. Review of recent data from PIIRS FY19, taking the opportunity to deep dive into the numbers and trends from previous years and highlight examples from the most recent financial year.

PPT presentationfy2019_sensemaking_wee_final.pptx

2020 Session 31 - April 30 - FNS Sensemaking

Agenda: Session to to discuss and reflect on the IMPACT and REACH data in relation to the Food and Nutrition Security global outcome. Dialogue around the recent data from PIIRS FY19 with a deep dive into the numbers and trends from past years.

Recordingno recording available
PPT presentationfy19_fns_data_sensemaking.pptx
FNS Power BI data visualization

2020 Session 30 - April 7 - Responsible Data, Data Ethics and Data Minimization

Agenda: A dialogue on Responsible Data, Data Ethics and Data Minimization

2020 Session 29 - April 6 - MEAL and COVID

Agenda: In light of the Covid-19 crisis, we are seeing an increasing demand for MEAL tools or guidance to support data collection, monitoring, evaluation, learning or decision making/adaptation in the context of the crisis, and different teams are already working on that. In this call we’d like to explore how can we bring all our efforts together and how can the MEAL group collectively support the integration of key elements of MEAL in the different actions to be implemented in the context of the crisis.

2020 Session 28 - March 26 - PIIRS FY19 - SRHR Sensemaking

Agenda: A review of global SRHR data on IMPACT, REACH, and elements of PROGRAM QUALITY, looking at the most recent data from PIIRS FY19 and some trends from past FYs.

PPT presentationpiirs_fy_19_sensemaking_srhr.pptx
SHRH Power BI data visualization

2020 Session 27 - March 18 and 19 - PIIRS FY19 - LFFV Sensemaking

Agenda: A dialogue on the IMPACT and REACH data of the Life Free From Violence global outcome

Session 1 - 18th March 2020 - for GMT and AP time zone colleagues (Start @8:28)]]

Session 2 - 19th March 2020 - for US and GMT time zone colleagues (Start @ 6:35)

2020 Session 26 - March 5 - PIIRS FY19 - Cash and Voucher Assistance Sensemaking

Agenda: A review of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) data in FY19, and dialogue on actions that we can collectively take in order to further advance CVA work and CVA reporting.

2020 Session 25 - March 3 and 4 - PIIRS FY19 - Global Sensemaking

Agenda: Sensemaking sessions of global data on IMPACT, REACH and elements of PROGRAM QUALITY, looking at the most recent data from PIIRS FY19 and some trends from past FYs. Two sessions with the same content, in different days/timezones.

Session 1 - March 3 Session 2 - March 4

2020 Session 24 - February 10 - PIIRS digitization

All materials related to the PIIRS digitization are available here: PIIRS Digitization

2019 Session 23 - November 26 - RCTs II: A dialogue with J-PAL

Agenda: An opportunity to know more about the work of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) around randomized impact evaluations, and also an opportunity for us to share our main questions, concerns or uncertainties when applying RCTs in the context of CARE projects or programs.

2019 Session 23 - November 13 - RCTs I: Our experience and main questions around RCTs

Agenda: Learning from projects that have applied Randomized Control Trials and the main questions/critical elements we need to consider when deciding if an RCT is the most appropriate approach.

Compilation of questions around RCTsrct_questions_-_care_-_nov_2019.docx

2019 Session 22 - November 6 - Responsible Data at CARE

Agenda: A session on responsible data, what it means and where it fits into your work. A deep dive into our ongoing responsible data work with Chomoka in Tanzania, some take-aways from our work in Mali. Dialogue on questions we should all be asking before embarking in exciting digital innovations.

2019 Session 21 - October 23 - Data systems at country level (MENA experiences)

Agenda: Systems that countries are using to track and consolidate data at country or program level (participant or other data coming from projects).

Jordan: The CARE Database System (CDS)
Turkey: System for the CVA program
CARE Lebanon’s beneficiary system using SQL coding and QR Codes

2019 Session 20 - October 1 - CARE and the SDGs

Agenda: Presentation and dialogue around different initiatives in which CARE is involved, around SDG progress, implementation or measurement.

- Report: CARE and Partners’ Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
- The “Leave no One behind – Making voices heard and count” initiative in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya and Vietnam
- Partnerships for the SDGs: An introduction to the SDG advocacy approach
- From the sidelines of UNGA

2019 Session 19 - September 26 - PIIRS FY19 debriefing, Power BI visuals and MEAL package


- PIIRS FY19: debriefing on the first part of the process (status of data / learning & recommendations) and description of next steps (data validation with CARE countries)
- Demo of a Power BI visual for PIIRS, for your feedback
- Update on the development of the MEAL minimum package (online training modules addressing key elements of MEAL) and invitation for those who may want to test it in the next months

2019 Session 18 - September 17 - Results and learning from the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Programme (GEWEP) II

2019 Session 17 - August 19 - WEE impact and reach analysis and discussion

Agenda: A session focused on FY18 findings from PIIRS, in relation to WEE and sharing experiences from CARE Jordan and CARE Bangladesh on reporting agains the WEE Global Indicators.

2019 Session 16 - July 11 - Learning from FY18 Resilience Marker, Reach and Impact data

Agenda: A session focused on FY18 findings from PIIRS, in relation to resilience and Resilience Marker. We will be looking at REACH/IMPACT data, trends and what we can learn from it.

2019 Session 15 - July 9 - Learning from Failures Documented in Evaluations

Agenda: CARE recently completed a meta-analysis to draw lessons from what evaluators reported as challenges, gaps, and lessons learned across 114 project evaluations from 2015-2018. In this session, we will learn more about how the analysis was conducted (using MAXQDA) and what it’s telling us about the implications for future work.

General Presentationfailures_presentation_ci_mel_group.pptx
Failures codebook used for this meta-analysisfailures_codebook.docx
Notes from the session with suggested Actions and Q&A2019_july_9_mel_cop_learning_from_failure_in_evaluations.docx
CARE UK’s Evaluation Management Response Guidancecare_uk_evaluation_management_response_template_and_guidance.docx
Full report

2019 Session 14 - June 19 - Outcome Harvesting

Agenda: An overview of the fundamentals of Outcome Harvesting and examples of application in Guatemala, Mali, Bangladesh and other CARE countries.

2019 June 3 - Update on Preparations of PIIRS FY19 (session 1 and session 2)

A preliminary dialogue to share progress around the following:

- What is being prepared for the FY19 process (process tools): the incorporation of the recommendations that colleagues provided during and after PIIRS FY18, plus some new data needs that have emerged.

- The elements that we are not yet able to incorporate but are listed for a larger dialogue on further digitization and expansion of PIIRS Not yet be the formal launching of the FY19 data collection process (the process will be launched mid-July)

Recording and notes from the sessions are available in this link: PIIRS FY19 Preparations

Agenda:A dialogue around SHRH reach and impact, trends, gaps to fill and learning.

Agenda:A dialogue around LFFV reach and impact, trends, gaps to fill and learning.

2019 Session 11 - March 26 - Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs)

Agenda:A dialogue around what VOPES do; how they bring together evaluation practitioners with the objective of improving evaluation thinking and practice; and opportunities for CARE teams to connect with VOPEs in different countries/regions.

2019 Session 10 - January 26 - Reflecting on our evidence of Impact/Outcomes

Agenda:A dialogue on data/evidence of CARE’s contribution to impact/outcomes; progress toward CARE’s 2020 Impact Goals and what we are all learning from these global evidencing effort.

Session 1
Session 2

2019 Session 9 (two sessions in different timezones) - January 24 - Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms

Session 1

Agenda:A dialogue on basic principles of feedback and complaints mechanism, and practical experiences implementing them different countries.

Session 2

Agenda:A dialogue on basic principles of feedback and complaints mechanism, and practical experiences implementing them different countries.

General presentationmelcop_fcm_presentation_jan_2019.pdf
Q&A and Notes from session2019-01_mel_cop_call_fcm_notes.docx

2018 Session 8 - November 27 - Quality of Evaluations

Agenda: Session focused on quality of evaluations, looking at the quality of CARE’s evaluations currently (e.g. what we are good at, what we need to improve) and an example from CARE Madagascar applying tools and processes to ensure improved quality of evaluations.

General Presentation2018_november_27_community_of_practice_call_-_quality_of_evaluations.pptx
Evaluation quality review 2018 and the scoring criteriaevaluations_review_2018_1.docx
Tools from CARE Madagascar:
* TOR for evaluation
* Matrix to analyze evaluator´s offers
* Cheklist for quality control of the evaluation report
After Action Review (AAR) guidanceAAR

2018 Session 7 - October 25 - Digital data collection tools for MEL

Agenda: Session focused on experiences using Kobo toolbox in the Mano River region for both development and humanitarian projects; and using DHIS2 for an SRH in emergencies project.

2018 Session 6 - September 18 - Towards a Strategic Impact Inquiry on Gender in Emergencies

Agenda: Session focused on describing the main elements of a new Strategic Impact Inquiry on Gender in Emergencies; the main questions we want to answer; the connection with the MEL Community of Practice and the different roles members of the MEL CoP can play in this process.

General presentationci_melcop_and_the_sii_on_gender_in_emergencies.pptx
Want to get involved in the SII on Gender in Emergencies? Please visit the engagement survey and discover multiple ways in which you can participate in this process:

2018 Session 5 - June 6 - The L in MEL

Agenda: Session focused on LEARNING and linking the M&E to the L in MEL. An overview of key elements to consider when generating and using learning. Experiences shared from Honduras, Egypt and Mozambique.

Presentations/ Experiences from Honduras, Egypt and Mozambique and overview of key elements to consider when developing a learning agenda2018_june_ci_mel_cop_call_-_the_l_in_mel.pptx
iREFLECT and iLEARN tools from Mozambiqueireflect_tool_mozambique.doc ilearn_tool_mozambique.doc
Suggested readingCulture of learning and leadership buy-in

2018 Session 4 - May 15 - Measurement and learning around the CARE Outcomes

Agenda: Session focused on measurement and learning around the Program Strategy Outcomes: Humanitarian Assistance; Food and Nutrition Security & Climate Change Resilience; The Right to Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health & a Life Free From Violence; and Women's Economic Empowerment.

  • Overview on Global and Supplementary indicators to measure impact/outcomes around the Outcomes
  • Experiences applying the indicators in different scenarios: incorporating the indicators in MEL systems, in new proposals, etc.
General presentation on global and supplementary indicators2018_may_mel_cop_-_global_indicators.pptx
Experience - measuring and learning around the indicators - HUM2018-05-15_care-hpm_2016-17_mel-cop.pptx
Experience - measuring and learning around the indicators - FNS and CARE Ethiopiacop_session_presentation_care_eth_experience.pptx
Experience - measuring and learning around the indicators - SRMH & LFFVsrhr_lffv_mel_cop_prez_.pptx
Experience - measuring and learning around the indicators - SRMH & LFFVmel_cop_slides-_vsla_reach.pptx

2018 Session 3 - April 10 - Measurement and learning around the CARE Approach>

Agenda: Session focused on measurement and learning around the three elements of the CARE Approach: Gender Equality and Women’s Voice, Inclusive Governance and Resilience.

  • Application of the markers and how they help us assess the degree to which we are integration the CARE Approach in our work
  • Discussion on Global and Supplementary indicators to measure impact/outcomes around the CARE Approach


2018 Session 2 - March 21 - Using PIIRS for planning, learning and improving programming

Agenda: Using PIIRS data for planing, learning and improving programming.
Presentations from Mali, Southern Africa, Malawi, Bangladesh and Latin America & Caribbean


2018 Session 1 - February 6 - Introducing the MEL Community of Practice


  • Introducing everyone to the Community of Practice and the linkages with the global MEL agenda and MEL framework
  • Reviewing our current MEL capacities
  • Discussing on expectations, themes of interest and ways of working going forward


mel_community.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/26 13:42 by admin