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Practical MEAL Templates

Practical MEAL Templates

Evaluation Terms of Reference

This document serves as a ToR template for CARE MEL staff, including guidance for developing the ToR (see italicized text next to the word TIP for guidance). All TIP and orange call-out boxes can be deleted from the final ToR. Text highlighted in yellow is intended to be filled in and completed by the ToR creator. Example language is also provided for some sections or are linked in the appendix. Feel free to use these sections as a guide when modifying your ToR. This is a guide and it may make more sense to combine or add certain sections based on your project, program, or initiative.

Evaluation Report Template

This evaluation report template serves as a guide to standardize reporting across evaluations and to ensure key information and quality standards are met by the reports. The template provides section headings and descriptions as guidance for the organization of an evaluation report and a checklist to assess the overall quality of the final evaluation report.

mealtools.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/18 11:18 by admin