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INDICATOR 22: # and %age of CARE’s humanitarian initiatives complying with gender marker requirements
Why this indicator? What will it measure and provide information for?
This indicator relates toCARE’s Gender Marker which draws on the concept of the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Marker launched in 2010 to ensure gender equality as part of the Consolidated Appeals Process. More donors have adopted the system; most recently ECHO started using its own version of the Gender and Age Marker. CARE’s expanded version of the Gender Marker is used to assess gender work in preparedness, strategy development, proposals and implementation of the response with regards to the equality of its benefits for men, women, boys and girls, and its potential to contribute to gender equality.
The Gender Marker is one of the indicators outlined in CARE’s Gender Equality and Women’s VoiceGuidance (one of three components of the CARE Approach). A unified Gender Marker for humanitarian and development work along the CARE gender continuum was adopted in June 2016.
Target (CARE Humanitarian & Emergency Strategy 2013-2020) :
By 2020 100% of CARE’s emergency initiatives comply at least with all the minimum requirements of Grade 2 at all stages (preparedness, strategy development, proposals and implementation)
What Humanitarian Standard and Humanitarian Indicator is this indicator connected to?
Apart from the direct link to the IASC gender markerthis indicator refers also to the**Core Humanitarian Standard**in particular Commitment 1: Communities and people affected by crisis receive assistance appropriate to their specific needs, vulnerabilities and capacities.
**AusAid/OECD Gender Equality Toolkit**specifically requires equitable and safe access to humanitarian resources and services according to the needs of affected women, men, girls, and boys. Therefore needs of the most vulnerable are to be assessed and humanitarian assistance access related risks for these groups (e.g., male and female adolescents; unaccompanied children; single, widowed, and elderly women; people living with a disability) are monitored and addressed.

Definitions and key terms
* Vulnerability:the extent to which some people may be disproportionately affected by the disruption of their physical environment and social support mechanisms following disaster or conflict, resulting in an increased risk of exploitation, illness or death. Vulnerability is specific to each person and each situation.
* Capacities:Women and men affected by crisis (including older people and those with disabilities) already possess and can further acquire skills, knowledge and capacities to cope with, respond to and recover from disasters. They will usually be the first to respond. Actively engaging affected people in humanitarian response is an essential part of upholding their right to life with dignity.
Gender Marker scale ratings: See Gender Marker guidance and vetting forms

* Grades 3-4 (GENDER RESPONSE – TRANSFORMATIVE): Potential to contribute significantly to gender equality through programming that understands and meets the distinct needs of all genders and life stages
A gender and age analysis is included in the needs assessment.
Activities reflect the findings of the gender analysis.
Outputs are designed to contribute to gender equality goals with linkages to longer-term gender and development outcomes.

* Grades 1-2 (GENDER NEUTRAL – SENSITIVE): Potential to contribute in some limited way to gender equality. Some evidence of gender considerations, but gender does not appear in a comprehensive manner throughout all stages of the program cycle. Gender is part of only one or two of the three components of the Gender Marker: i.e. in needs assessment, activities or outcomes.

* Grade 0(GENDER HARMFUL) No visible potential to contribute to gender equality. Gender and age are not reflected anywhere, or only appear in the outcomes. There is risk that the project will unintentionally fail to meet the needs of some population groups and possibly even do some harm.

Data and information required to calculate the indicator

A Gender Marker Vetting form has been designed to ensure coherent data collection at various stages and by different units of the organization. Specific guidance for using the CARE Gender Marker at the implementation stage is available especially for self-assessment by the Country Offices.

Suggested method for data collection and possible data sources

Self-Assessment: Using this framework, COs would start the Gender Marking process by grading themselves across the four project cycles. Note that self-assessment of proposals is optional as short-time frames may make this difficult to do. This will be assisted by including the Gender Marker into other processes such as EPP, the ERF application, and the revision of the emergency strategy guidance. Agreement is needed about who within the CO is responsible for grading. Gender Marker information will also be provided by the CO through PIIRS.
External Review: The next level of Gender Marking would take place as a form on external review carried out by colleagues in Lead Members (LMs), CMPs and CEG. All of these review processes already exist within CARE. The inclusion of the Gender Marker into the Emergency Preparedness Planning (EPP), ERF, Strategy and After Action Review (AAR) would ensure the Gender Marker would be an integral part of the review process. Specific measures will be need to be agreed with the CMPs about the best format to use for grading proposals outside the ERFs as there is no way to include the CARE Gender Marker within donor funding proposal templates.
Technical Review: Once the Gender Marker Grade is agreed it is shared centrally with CI who collects all the interim and final grades. A quality-check is conducted by expert assessment through the GiE team who will review 10% of the grades for each level of the project cycle.
Level of effort needed for data collection and reporting: Medium (see data collection process above)

Other considerations
Accountability: Accountability mechanisms are required to ensure the delivery of the Gender Marker including: responsibility to communicate grades with the CO; accountability for completing self-assessment and external review; and a system for reviewing the quality of the grades using expert review of a sample of grades. An Accountability Plan will be developed for the Gender Marker scale-up.
Impact Indicators: The CARE Gender Marker is an integration indicator monitoring the integration of CARE’s gender approach into humanitarian programming. It needs to be used alongside the sex and age disaggregated outcome indicators that demonstrate impact on the communities of CARE’s gender work in emergencies.

indicator_22.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/18 15:09 by admin